Dmitri Bakhturin (2020): Сравнение Функционального анализа Продукта и
Функционального анализа Технологии, некоторые выводы и рекомендации
(Comparison of Functional Analysis of Product and Functional analysis of
Technology, some conclusions and recommendations)
Theses for apresentation at the Moscow TRIZ Conference 2020.
Gaetano Cascini (2012): TRIZ-based Anticipatory Design of Future Products
and Processes. Journal of Integrated Design and Process Science 16 (3),
Klaus Fuchs-Kittowski (2002): Wissens-Ko-Produktion. Verarbeitung,
Verteilung und Entstehung von Informationen in kreativ-lernenden
Organisationen (Knowledge co-production. Processing, distribution and
Creation of information in creative learning organizations)
B.I. Goldovsky (1983): Система закономерностей построения и развития
технических систем (The system of laws of construction and development of
technical systems).
Человек и его технические системы.
Differently trimmed Russian version, containing another part of the
argumentation, presented at the TRIZ Developer Summit 2020.
Hans-Gert Gräbe (2020): Technical Systems and Purposes. July 2020
A Variation on the theme “Men and their technical systems” for the First German
TRIZ Online Conference.
Published in TRIZ-Anwendertag 2020 (Oliver Mayer ed.), Springer Verlag
2021, S. 1-13. DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-63073-0_1.
Hans-Gert Gräbe (2020): TRIZ und Transformationen sozio-technischer und
sozio-ökologischer Systeme. Ein Vergleich (TRIZ and transitions of
socio-technical and socio-ecological systems. A comparison).
Alex Lyubomirsky (2006): Закон повышения эффективности использования потоков
вещества, энергии и информации (Law of efficiency improvement of substance,
energy and information flows)
Alex Lyubomirsky, Simon Litvin, Sergei Ikovenko et al. (2018). Trends of
Engineering System Evolution (TESE). TRIZ Consulting Group. ISBN
Oliver Mayer (2017): Increased Addressing of Human Senses as a Trend.
TRIZ Master Thesis.
Vladimir Petrov (2020): Законы и закономерности развития систем (Laws and
patterns of systems development). Book in 4 volumes (in Russian), ISBN
Michail Rubin (2019): О связи комплекса законов развития систем с ЗРТС (On
the relationship of the complex of laws of system development with ZRTS).
Manuscript, 6.11.2019.
Nikolay Shpakovsky (2010): ТРИЗ. Анализ технической и патентной информации и
генерация новых идей (TRIZ. Analysis of technical and patent information and
generation of new ideas)
Tree of Technology Evolution
(English translation by the author, 2016, part of the Open Source
Collection of the WUMM project)
Camilla Warnke, Manfred Buhr (1974). Die “abstrakte” Gesellschaft -
Systemwissenschaften als Heilsbotschaft in den Gesellschaftsmodellen
Parsons’, Dahrendorfs und Luhmanns (The “abstract” society - systems science
as salvation message in Parsons’, Dahrendorf’s and Luhmann’s models of