The TRIZ Developer Summit Ontology Project

For the motivation of the project see the Overview Page of the TRIZ Ontology Project.

Core Team: Olga Eckardt, Andrey Kuryan, Mikhail Rubin, Natalya Rubina, Nikolay Shchedrin (in alphabetical order)

Project Web Resources



Ontology Webinar Series Oct.-Nov. 2020 (in Russian)

Project Structure and Workflow

In the main paper (TOP 2020) there are explained three roles:

At the Webinar on December 8, 2020 these roles and the all over workflow were expanded in a little bit more detail.

  1. There is a vague notion of a TRIZ Body of Knowledge (TBK) as starting point.
    • It remains vague what is the relation to earlier attempts to collect such a TBK in a Russian version (2007, newly released by V. Petrov in 2019) and an English version issued in 2012.
    • Основы знаний по ТРИЗ: Теория решения изобретательских задач. Author(s): Simon S. Litvin, Vladimir M. Petrov, Mikhail S. Rubin. Publisher: Издательские решения, 2019, ISBN: 9785449681836.
    • TRIZ Body of Knowledge. Simon Litvin, Vladimir Petrov, Mikhail Rubin, Victor Fey
  2. In a common process within the Ontology Project Team parts of that TBK are identified to be modeled by a TRIZ Expert as an OntoCard. Decision about the knowledge area of the ontocard and assignment to an TRIZ expert is due to a coordinator.
  3. The TRIZ Expert elaborates the OntoCard content using approrpiate ontology modeling tools - at the moment mainly Cmap.

  4. The rersults are discussed and approved by the Project Council.

  5. An administrator uploads the approved material

    The WUMM TOP Companion Project uses this outcome - as far as it is available in machine readable form, e.g. as Excel sheet - to create another view on the results of modeling, using up to date semantic tools and concepts (as RDF, skos Ontology, RDF store, SPARQL endpoint). The aim of these efforts is to earn more stars for the TRIZ Ontology Project in Tim Berner-Lee’s 5 star evaluation scheme for semantic projects.

  6. Users can
    • inspect the published results
    • discuss and comment it
      • This will be collected, evaluated and incorporated based on an issue management after a decision by the Project Council.
    • use the ontologies.

More about the OSA platform

How to register with the OSA platform and join the project

2010-10-21: Nikolay Shchedrin wrote

Вы сообщили, что Ваша папка на портале OSA пустая, без онтологий. Так и должно быть. Согласно замыслу разработчиков у Вас должен быть доступ только к тем проектам на портале (онто-картам), которые создавали Вы. Если Вы хотите изучит карты других пользователей, то необходимо запросить ссылку к онто-карте. Обмен ссылками возможен через групповой чат команды разработчиков онтологии ТРИЗ.

You informed us that your folder on the OSA portal is empty, without ontologies. This is the way it should be. The intention of the developers is that you should only have access to those projects on the portal (onto-cards) that you created. If you want to study other users’ cards, you must request a link to the onto-card. Exchange links are available through the group chat of the TRIZ ontology development team.

Added by HGG: See also the role of a “visitor” in the TDS 2020 paper:

This is any person who is interested in the area of TRIZ knowledge in general and the TRIZ Ontology in particular. A visitor can study ontological diagrams and their descriptions on, accept to participate in discussions and express his opinions and ratings.

Hence a direct access to the ontology editor is not envisaged for that role. You have to become a Project member to join the platform.

Nikolay informed about a web site with video instructions (in Russian) how to register with OSA and start working on the project.

What concepts are supported by the OSA platform?

The main output are Ontology Diagrams in graphics format if you know a detailed URI, as e.g.

NS: OSA has the ability to link to other platforms and portals that have open APIs. As far as I know, to use this connection a request to the developers is required. We will invite them to one of our sessions to report about this.

HGG: In the domain of semantic technologies exist well-established technological standards for both data exchange formats and procedures. The standard API for such a task is, of course, a SPARQL Endpoint. It would be very useful if OSA would provide such an endpoint that could be used to study the work done so far. If less, it would be sufficient to publish regularly dumps of any part of the modelling in an established format, as this is done in the WUMM project with its knowledge bases in the github repo

Acknowledgement of Previous Work in the TRIZ Ontology Project

(from a mail exchange with Nikolay Shchedrin)

HGG: There are several works by Cecilia Zanni-Merk, which developed TRIZ ontology 8…10 years ago. What role do such early works play in the project?

NS: Unfortunately, we are not familiar with the work of Cecillia Zanni-Merk. We started developing ontology, taking only V. Souchkov’s TRIZ glossary v.1.2 as a basis.

HGG: That’s a pity, because this way the developments of the latest 20 years, especially the IDM version of TRIZ developed by Nikolay Khomenko and Denis Cavallucci, and thus concepts such as ActionParameter, EvaluationParameter and GeneralizedContradiction, are ignored. In Souchkov’s glossary there are no such terms.

The main problem here is that also the basis of the modelling of functional analysis thus remains at this level. I understand Mikhail Rubin very well when he calls for first to reconstruct the state of TRIZ-2. But then this should be stated clearly and not want to achieve more at the same time. The desire to realize everything at once has always led to chaos.

Of the various glossaries, the VDI glossary is available in the WUMM project as RDF source (based on the skos ontology) and also uploaded into the WUMM showcase web site at It contains 54 terms and, according to private communication with Valery Souchkov, covers part of his glossary. It would be it is useful, also to include further classification of these terms as developed within your ontology project. But for this purpose the data of that work must first be made publicly available.

Addendum: Meanwhile we renamed that as Thesaurus in accordance with the term used at the GSA terms website and unified that and also more information about top level ontologies and OntoCards into a common list of terms into a Combined TRIZ Glossary. The links in that presentation lead to a display of parts of the stored WUMM RDF Graph in a more complete manner that can be traversed along successor and predecessor relations (we set up an SPARQL Endpoint for that job).

The terms are modeled as skos:Concepts, but according to the source some more “tags” = Types are added (e.g., tc:GSAThesaurusEntry, tc:VDIGlossaryEntry). This are subclasses of the class skos:Concept, but are concepts by themselves.

There are some upcoming tasks on that part:

(1) Consolidate the URIs of the two RDF graphs. This could easily be extended to Souchkov’s Glossary if it would be available in an more machine readable form than pdf.

(2) Enrich it with information to which class (Basic, Rules, …) each term belongs and to which generation (TRIZ-1..3).