Anton Kozhemyako (2020): Comparison of three different TRIZ tools for a business problem analysis considering the example of the mentoring problem in a sales department. TRIZ Review 2.1 (2021)
Oliver Mayer (2022). Sustainability Modelling with TRIZ. Presentation at TRIZfest 2022. Slides
Valeri Souchkov (2010): TRIZ and Systematic Business Model Innovation. Paper presented at the TRIZ Future 2010. pdf
Valeri Souchkov (2014). Breakthrough Thinking with TRIZ for Business and Management: An Overview.
Valeri Souchkov (2017). Accelerate Innovation with TRIZ.
Valeri Souchkov (2019). TRIZ for Business and Management: State of the Art. TRIZ Developers Summit 2019.