Nikolai Shchedrin: The ontologies “Function Model” and “Functional Analysis”.
The material (in Russian).
The Chat (English translation below)
Hans-Gert Gräbe :
- Что означают различные формы и цвета узлов графика?
- В чем разница между термином “элемент” и “компонент”?
- В отчете TDS 2020 приведена классификация терминов (рис. 4). Как это тут
- Стрелки часто указывают в не очень понятном для меня направлении, например,
“включает”. Я бы их направил в другую сторону. Можно ли более подробно
объяснить это на примере?
- Есть ли где-нибудь список терминов, используемых в настоящее время в
качестве узлов графика?
Борис Строганов : Преобразование энергии взрыва в механическую - главная функция.
Марат Гафитулин : Разработчикам отологии. Использовали ли вы сайт ГСА по терминам.
Владимир Никитин : Существует ли понятие “функция компонента”? Если
компонентом может быть “поле”, есть ли у поля функция и является ли поле при
этом субъектом функции?
Vladimir Petrov : В свое время была созданы разные глоссарии и глоссарий
Сушкока, насколько я знаю, не учел все эти глоссарии. Будут ли рассматриваться
и другие глоссарии?
Hans-Gert Gräbe : Есть ли на графе узлы, которым не соответствует термин в
Александр Быстрицкий : Если воспринимать процесс формирования онтологии через
призму “менеджмента знаний”, то это, возможно, шаг, этап, связанный с
разработкой нотации, языка способного аккумулировать и обобщить опыт текущего
этапа развития решательного инструментария ТРИЗ через модернизированную
нотацию. Именно сегодняшнего, Библию не трогать, только понять и
Hans-Gert Gräbe :
- What do the different shapes and colours of the nodes in the diagrams mean?
- Nikolai Shchedrin: The shapes indicate the TRIZ state (star - TRIZ-1,
square - TRIZ-2, circle - new in the glossary with TRIZ-3), the colors
have no semantical meaning and are assigned to highlight different topics
in the given diagram context.
- What is the difference between “element” and “component”?
- Michail Rubin: component = element or field
- The TDS 2020 report provides a classification of terms (Figure 4). How is
this reflected in the ontology?
- Nikolai Shchedrin: Not so far.
- The arrows often point in directions that are not very clear to me, for
example, “includes”. I would point them in a different direction. Is it
possible to go into more detail to explain it by example?
- Nikolai Shchedrin demonstrated, that the direction of the arrows in the
diagram is almost “random”, since if two nodes are connected by an arc
this means that within the editor there are arrows introduced in both
directions with “small green boxes” assigned to each of them, i.e. a
predicate and its inverse are introduced that can be further labelled.
- Is there a list of terms currently used that label the graphic nodes?
- HGG added: It seems that at the moment such a list cannot be extracted.
Boris Stroganov : Conversion of explosion energy into mechanical energy is the
main function.
- HGG added: This relates to a discussion on an example in the slides.
Marat Gafitulin : Developers of ontology. Have you used the GSA website by
Vladimir Nikitin : Is there a concept of “component function”? If the
component can be a “field”, whether a field has a function and whether the
field is a field at is this the subject of the function?
- HGG added: This refers to the explanation “component = element or field” of
M. Rubin. If there is a notion “function of a component”, it inherits a
notion “function of a field”, even if Nikolai explained in his talk only the
notion “function of an element”. Rubin answered, that he discussed that
problem with Nikitin already for a while, the problem remains open.
Vladimir Petrov : There are different glossaries and Souchkov’s glossary is
only one of them and does not contain all notions from other glossaries. So
what’s about other glossaries?
- Andrei Kuryan: Our current work ist based on Souchkov’s glossary, taking his
terms, not necessarily his explanations. With TRIZ-3 we try to extend that
glossary, but also try to avoid doublings. Hence all that has to be done
with care.
- HGG added: Note that within the WUMM project we compiled the VDI-Glossary (a
part of Souchkov’s glossary as he claimes) as skos:Concepts. Since, as
explained by Nikolai Shchedrin, Souchkov’s glossary is the main starting
point for the current efforts, it would be desirable not only to have the
glossary as skos:Concepts, but also attach to each term properties, in which
TRIZ generation it was introduced (table 1 in TDS2020) and to which category
it belongs (fig. 4 in TDS2020).
Hans-Gert Gräbe : Are there any nodes in diagrams that do not match a term in
the glossary?
- HGG added: No clear answer, but if the glossary is extended by additional
terms, them this question is void, since the glossary consists of the
terms labelling the nodes of the diagrams.
Alexander Bystritsky: If we take the process of forming the ontology through a
“knowledge management” perspective, this may be a step, a stage related to the
development of a notation, of a language capable of accumulating and
summarising the experience of the current development stage of TRIZ’s decisive
toolkit through modernised notation. Just the current one, not to touch the
Bible, only to understand and comment it.
I tried to register with the OSA platform and even succeeded with that. Note
that there is a web site with
video instructions (in Russian) how to register with OSA and start working on
the project.
But note that intentionally only TRIZ Ontology project members have even
read access to the ontology cards in the platform, as explained after Fig. 39
in TDS2020. Visitors can inspect the released ontocard diagrams on the platform only.
Hans-Gert Gräbe, last update Oct. 25, 2020