Introduction to the WUMM RDFData Subproject

We assume that you are familiar with the basic RDF concepts. Our RDF data project consists of several areas

Detailed explanations of our modelling concepts can be found in the following publications:

Our RDF datasets can be found in the RDFData repo. For presentation and inspection of the data we run

On this page the general settings are briefly described.

General Settings

1. URI and namespaces: For our own modelling we use the overall namespace prefix

2. Multilanguage concepts: RDF defines a generic concept to provide different language versions of Literals using standard language tags (en - English, de - German, ru - Russian). We use this concept to compile multilingual versions of different RDF graphs.

3. Naming Conventions: RDF graphs and the corresponding file names usually are in plural mode, the namespace prefix of the different instances described in this graph is in singular mode.

Another standard uses the prefix The to distiguish the names of the graph and the namespace prefix used for the instances described in this graph.

This avoids name clashes between the name of the graph and the names of the instances described within that graph.

4. Blank nodes: We do not use blank nodes since they are valid only locally within the graph thus complicating the resolution of references and refactorization.


We use the following project specific name spaces

and the following standard ontologies

Organization of the RDF Graphs in Files

Different data is collected in different RDF Graphs in Turtle format. Each such graph is stored in a file XXX.ttl and described by an owl:Ontology object within this file.