During consultations in October 2019 with the Saxonian office that promotes EU proposals, there was given the recommendation to think about an application within the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions (MSCA), in particular within the MSCA-ITN-EID Industrial Doctorate Program.
The further discussion in the circle of the partners, however, made clear that the TRIZ community currently does not have a high enough academic visibility to meet the MSCA scientific standards that are matched against the impact factors of publications of the core people submitting the proposal. So far, the TRIZ community has little to offer here, as they have not yet seriously enough sought academic reputation. In the long term, such an application is interesting, but we had to place it on a broader basis, for example, building bridges to academically recognized communities in neighboring areas such as Systems Engineering and work on a common academic visuality here first.
Therefore, the previous considerations and links to this topic are only summarized here as “quarry” and for further reference.
For MSCA see
The focus of such an application must be on a joint doctoral program, which only indirectly promotes further aspects of the development of a TTN (from in-company trainings to integration in undergraduate academic education).
MSCA-ITN-2020 offers funding for general collaborative European Training Networks (ETN, 445 Mio. Euro), for European Industrial Doctorates (EID, 40 Mio. Euro) or European Joint Doctorates (EJD, 45 Mio. Euro). EJD is reserved for true academic joint doctorate programs, hence is not appropriate for us. ETN is very broad in its direction, hence the success rate was low. The office claimed that the success rate was higher in MSCA-ITN-EID since there are more focused requirements (both partners from academia and from industry are requied in the consortium).
Some more considerations about the constraints:
Scope: ITN (at large) supports competitively selected joint research training and/or doctoral programmes, implemented by partnerships of universities, research institutions, research infrastructures, businesses, SMEs, and other socio-economic actors from different countries across Europe and beyond.
Each programme should have a clearly identified supervisory board co-ordinating network-wide training and establishing active and continuous communication and exchange of best practice among the participating organisations to maximise the benefits of the partnership.
The programme should exploit complementary competences of the participating organisations, and enable sharing of knowledge, networking activities, the organisation of workshops and conferences.
Training responds to well identified needs in defined research areas, with appropriate references to inter-and multidisciplinary fields and follows the EU Principles for Innovative Doctoral Training. It should be primarily focused on scientific and technological knowledge through research on individual, personalised projects.
In order to increase the employability of the researchers, the research training should be complemented by the meaningful exposure of each researcher to the non-academic sector. Secondments of the researcher to other beneficiaries and partner organisations are encouraged, but should be relevant, feasible, beneficial for the researchers and in line with the project objectives. …
In EID, the joint supervision of the researcher must be ensured by at least one supervisor from the academic sector and one supervisor from the non-academic sector. These arrangements will be taken into account during the evaluation of the proposal.
There is a list of expected impact at several levels at the end of the call that should be addressed in the proposal.
There is a list of projects that were successful within the last (2018) MSCA-ITN call.
Hans-Gert Gräbe - Last update 20 Nov 2019